^^ Make your Day Life become Beautiful Like You ^^ ** Nobody is Perfect ** "There are so many way to solve problems, just be patient and think clearly and dont forget with your God"

Friday, July 28, 2006

NFS most wanted part 2 and Pirate caribean 2

NFS most wanted 2
Finally i play that game in the willy's laptop..........
OWWWWWWWWWWWWWkkkkkk sooo cool baby!!! yeahhhhh..
u can see many effect. owww i want it i want it i want it
Thank u willy
I just play 1 times coz i have to work today and later i will play again hihihi

I already watch pirate the caribean. Wow it has so cool for the animation
i like it, too many animation like the monster, octopus, monster in the wall..
Owww so crazy n yuck for the monster captain (i forgot his name , davy jones? hehehe forgot)
when he play piano, oww so cool...
that story.. ehmm i just like usual.. i dont like the ending
why jack sparrow will change with the other player... i really dont like it
i just like jack sparrow..
so funny huhuuhu

Thursday, July 27, 2006

NFS most wanted

NFS (need for speed most wanted)...
nothing to say.. coz i dont know how to explain.
But it's cool
i want to try in willy's laptop :P
coz my laptop can't play until hours........
hiks just few minute and restart again..
maybe the RAM not support :(
so sad right!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

good and bad thing become programmer

i think you know about programmer, right...
This time i want to write about that title. Coz based on my experience become programmer about 9 months and now still become a programmer :p
Those are the bad things become programmer :
1. Your eyes always feel tired..
2. u can get pain in your back
3. u can get pain in ur hands and fingers
4. u can get migrain
5. u can feel stress and feel angry if the deadline near
6. u like a dumb people, sometimes u look the floor, sometimes u look ur friends when u think to find out an idea
7. if u didnt find that idea, u can cry or just sleep
8. u can think everywhere, everytime
9. u can't sleep well if u have some problem in ur programs and not already finished
10. less to connect with the other people (depends)
11... dun know

the good things:
1. u can find new informatiion about technology
2. always use logic to solve almost all the problems (life problems or the other)
3. up 2 date in get new music, film, game :p hehehehehe
4. dun know

i think so many bad things that become a programmer

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Jakarta got Earthquake and flood

Monday --> part of jakarta got earthquake
but i heard only in the SUdirman st. but not really big .

Wednesday --> when i still in the office maybe at 5.30pm i feel earthquake maybe scale 2-3

Thursday --> Part of Jakarta got flood :( when i went with my friend by car, we always find the alternative road to go to my house..
And maybe 50 cm ? hmm i dont know exactly.

Why now too many disaster...
Coz of too many people in the world? and too many bad people?
hmmm i dont know :D

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Meet my old friend

Huhuyyy i met my friends hmm old friends and close friends (Grace,Hermanz, and Luke) .
They came to my house and the funny story that i have a friend that he ride a motorcycle
the funny story is he call me when he still on the road to my house.. u know why?
He dont know the way how to arrive in my house and i give him a simple way..
and he already stay in jakarta maybe 1 week.
So he dont know much about Jakarta. (Jakarta is big city, rigtht?)
And finnaly he arrives and we go to have dinner together.
We eat chicken baked and sate ;P
Hmmm so delicious if we eat together with old friend...
Maybe later i will have 'reuni' in jakarta with all of my friend which same grade '2001'.
Maybe on September hehehe..
It nice to meet them, and absolutely i will write it in this blog again. kekeke

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The effect of Final World Cup

Today i saw final world cup (France Vs Italy) at 1 AM
i dont know what i should to type this story
coz i feel so so so... dissapointed with France :(

I start to saw it when France make a gol at minute 8. I really confuse when i want to make a decision to watch or not ... Coz in the morning at 8 i have to go to office.
And i didnt prepare to sleep before watch it. And im afraid that i will feel sleepy in the office...
later, i watch it hahhaha
after that... i feel so sad when Italy make a gol ..
after that.. so many shoot from France player almost make not a GOL but many GOL
but they can't make it..
Maybe they are very nervous. You can see it when 1 of the player want to shoot near the 'net goal' (i dont know in english hahahaha), that player looks so confuse, he wants to kick or to make a trick or to assist ball to the other player.
But after that he lose that ball, and he cant make a score ...
But it so nice to saw it. I saw it with my brother and my auntie.
hahahaha we almost forget not almost but we really forget that we saw in the night (early morning)
We just shout.. and scream really loud :) hahahaha
After knew that France lost.. directly i sleep .. and i woke up late.
And then go by bus to my boarding house and prepare to go to office.
And in the office im not late..
Yeahhh im so so soooooo sleepy...
Drink coffee didnt give effect. I dont know why...
Arrggghh i hope today will go fast and i can go home and sleep
Have a good day and sleep well to the other workers who did almost like me

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Peringkat orang selingkuh berdasarkan zodiac.. (in indonesian again)


Coba cek bintangmu and pasangngan kamu, benarkah dia pilihan tepat buat kamu?
Yang paling atas merupakan paling setia

T A U R U S (21 April - 20 Mei)
Peringkat 1 : Kesetiaannya luar biasa dan paling dapat diandalkan. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Taurus kadangkala dianggap pribadi yang agak membosankan dalam hubungan interaksi karena cenderung berkutat dalam hitungan "berhemat-hemat" atau paling tidak dianggap keras kepala.

C A N C E R (21 Juni - 22 Juli)
Peringkat 2 : Ratu Rumahan yang setia, selalu ingin merawat pasangannya. Sensitivitas tinggi membuatnya sangat berhati-hati untuk tidak dilukai dan melukai. Cancer terkesan menutup rapat diri yang membuat beberapa zodiac tertentu menjadi tidak sabar karena makan waktu untuk berinteraksi dengannya.

V I R G O (23 Agustus - 22 September)
Peringkat 3 : Sangat hati-hati memilih pasangan. Ketemu satu saja sudah bikin "capek", jadi boro-boro mau "main-mata"lagi..Kerap lumayan rewel dan kritis yang menunjukkan betapa besar perhatiannya pada seseorang. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Virgo adalah tipe yang kerewelan dan kritiknya kadang bisa bikin orang lain tersinggung.

C A P R I C O R N (23 Desember - 20 Januari)
Peringkat 4 : Pemikiran akan rencana-rencananya sangat menyita waktunya. Cenderung berkutat seputar pemikiran akan rencana-rencananya. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Capricorn terkesan membatasi diri dalam hubungan interaksi dengan lainnya. Selingkuh hanya intermezzo kala jenuh.

A Q U A R I U S (21 Januari - 19 Februari)
Peringkat 5 : Tidak suka selingkuh, tapi menghindari komitmen yang membutuhkan keterlibatan emosional yang dalam. Aquarius cenderung berpikir dan bertindak tegas. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, ia terkesan sangat radikal. Bila ia sampai selingkuh, berarti itu caranya yang "radikal" untuk mengakhiri hubungan dengan pasangan yang tidak mampu mengikuti pola pikirnya.

L I B R A ( 23 September - 22 Oktober)
Peringkat 6 : Paling sukar menentukan pilihan dan mengalami kesulitan dalam mengungkapkan diri sendiri. Karena kerap berpikiran mendua mengenai segala sesuatu, bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Libra kadang terkesan penuh rahasia dan cenderung sulit dipahami.

G E M I N I (21 Mei - 20 Juni)
Peringkat 7 : Harus dimanja agar tidak selingkuh Selalu ingin dimanja dan diperhatikan oleh pasangannya. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Gemini adalah tipe yang gampang berubah-ubah.

S A G I T A R I U S (23 November - 22 Desember)
Peringkat 8 : Gampang tergoda untuk selingkuh. Karakter dasar yang ekspansif maka ia gampang tergoda untuk hal-hal yang "baru", begitu pula dalam hubungan. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Sagitarius adalah tipe cemerlang yang penuh vitalitas hidup.

A R I E S ( 21 Maret - 20 April)
Peringkat 9 : Perlu dipantau agar gairah kehangatannya tidak berlebihan. Antusiasme dalam diri membuat gairahnya selalu berkobar untuk ber "petualang" dalam segala hal. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Aries adalah tipe yang hangat dalam hubungan interaksi.

L E O ( 23 Juli - 22 Agustus)
Peringkat 10 : Kesetiaannya diliputi ego yang tinggi. Egonya yang tinggi membuat kesetiaannya sangat berpamrih, yaitu rela mengalah dalam banyak hal untuknya. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Leo adalah tipe yang "menawan."

S C O R P I O (23 Oktober - 22 November)
Peringkat 11 : Tak akan membiarkan setiap godaan lewat begitu saja. Godaan bisa berarti perhatian baginya dan jarang diabaikannya. Scorpio senang menjadi populer sebagai si pecinta ulung. Bagi beberapa zodiac tertentu, Scorpio adalah tipe pecinta yang ekspresif.

P I S C E S (20 Februari - 20 Maret)
Peringkat 12 : Si Peselingkuh yang mengaku setia. Demikian romantis dia... perselingkuhan adalah nuansa indah dalam hidupnya.

Go to Bandung

Hey friend, last week i went to Bandung, West Java.
In Bandung we go to so many many factory outlet.
Oh ya, if u want to buy many branded t-shirt, pants,jacket u can buy it there.
U know why... coz u can get low price there... really really low price
U can find Umbro, Reebox, Puma, Esprit,Giordano,Guess,Roxy, Billabong and so many brand.
Maybe u can buy it less than half of real price. It's sounds really really nice, right !
In Bandung , it very famous with 'jeans' u can find it from good until bad quality.
I can find jacket with good quality, and it price is around Rp.1.4 million ,- but the store give discount 50%. But u can find jeans jacket only Rp.100.000,- maybe less than that.
I think if u really want to go shopping in Bandung, Please Prepare ur money :D
U can be a shopaholic there. U can't stop to shopping
There are so many Factory Outlet(FO) there.
In one day i can go more than 7 FO. Wahahaa
After go back from Bandung... Argghhhh i have to save my money again :D
But i'm very very satisfy !!!
Let's Go to Bandung.. Yeahhhh
Ow ya, in Bandung u can find delicious food.. example :
- brownies,
- fried tail soup (sop buntut goreng) --> jl. Aceh no 10
- Mie rica rica (noodle)
- nasi kuning (yellow rice)
- Nasi timble
- and the other.
Maybe i have to go to Bandung again ya...
Oh ya, in Bandung not so really cold and not really hot. It's colder than Jakarta
If u go to Bandung with car, maybe just less than 2 hours.
Let's GOOOOOO to Bandung!!!!!!!