Woahahaha here it is list of food that i already eat when i had vacation in Jogjakarta and Magelang from 12-22 August 2007
- Bakmoy - Mikung - Soto kudus - nasi pecel - lotek - kimcimbak - sayur asin bakkut - nasi gudeg - ayam goreng tulang lunak - ayam tim obat - kluban - mie goreng pak tanto - wedang kacang (2x) - ayam+bebek goreng Mblabak - Pirogen - pastel tutup - kimbab (buatan sendiri :p) - manisan strawberry - jus strawberry+kiamboi - Lumpia semarang - Lemper - resoles - ceker+usus goreng - sate - es campur murah - swikee Togok - bakso pasar - roti buatan Mamaku ;p - juan lo - timlo solo - SATE GORENG!!! - buyunghay -
nasi udug buatan sodara - lotek depan rumah -
-Mpek2 Ny.Kamto - Lotek+Lontong Opor depan kampus Duta - empal Mbok Wik - Batagor - Nasi Gandul - Sate babi ketandan - sate babi kranggan - Kwetiaw kalimantan - bebek goreng kranggan - mang engking (2x) - warteg - indomie di burjo - siomay di sate babi ketandan - soto sauna di airport - bubur jakarta depan kampus duta - nasi goreng korea by Mira :p
2 Yusu, Pitsu, Sisu, Tingsu in the soto sauna
Haduh i forgot the other food that i had eaten... hueeuehheue
Congratulation to Mira and Vena, they have a boy (cute boy) hueueue n chubby
Sorry for the other friends that i can't meet u in Jogjakarta or Magelang ...
NB: thank u for the Gank ... we can go together and have fun like before :D
Owwww ya welcome to 'Mateus' and 'Yaya' to the Gank area ... MZK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice to join with us
I will be back again but i dont know we can meet all of the member of the Gank again or not..
but i hope we can!!!! the Gank is always alive !!! :D MZZZKKKKKK!!!!!