^^ Make your Day Life become Beautiful Like You ^^ ** Nobody is Perfect ** "There are so many way to solve problems, just be patient and think clearly and dont forget with your God"

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tukul Arwana Show

So many talk show in indonesian television. I really like this show, so funny and so natural and the host is really so funny... his moustache and his mouth kekkeke..
This talk show you can see everyday in Trans 7, 9.30 PM until 11.00PM. Almost every night i watch this show. Sometime i saw the other talk show like Oprah Show, Angin Malam, Om Farhan, Ceriwis, Kick Andy. I feel bored if i saw drama tv series in Indonesia because they are always cruel, i don't like this. There are so many broken family, step mom, naughty girl or boy, kill person.
In Tukul Arwana show, you always hear "Kembali ke laptop (back to laptop)", "Puas Puas Puas...(satisfy satisfy satisfy...)", "tak sobek sobek (i will broken broken". Oh ya his name means "tukul = growing up" or sometimes "tukul = too cool = terlalu keren(in indonesian)". Arwana = it's a type of fish. You can search in the internet.
Ohh I forgot to tell about tukul arwana show, this show name is "Empat Mata (four eyes)".
So many people in the office (my office) see this reality show, so sometime in the morning, we always talk about his talk show and after finish we always say "kembali ke laptop" :P
You can see Arwana fish and Mr.Tukul Arwana picture here. This fish is a kind of fish that bring lucky and it prices is expensive.

One of the employee of my office there is a man who looks like Mr.Tukul, i already told to him, and i want to register he to that talk show if possible. If he want it, if not, that's okay.
Oke "kembali ke Laptop......"

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