^^ Make your Day Life become Beautiful Like You ^^ ** Nobody is Perfect ** "There are so many way to solve problems, just be patient and think clearly and dont forget with your God"

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Watching Pirates The Caribbean 3

Who doesn't know about this movie???? Maybe some of you don't know.. hehe but 99% of you already know it. This film already down to the movies. Two days ago i almost go with my friends but i have some appointment, so i just tell i'm not join. But..... my friend already bought it, so i ask my friend to change me.
Yesterday night i went with my friend to go watch PC3 (pirate the Caribbean 3) , yesterday afternoon i have lunch together with friends in the Dim Sum (Cilantro) , Pondok Indah Mal2, we went there at 1 until 5PM. After that, me and my friend run to the Plaza Indonesia / EX, we plan to watch it at 7.10PM but full, so we buy 2 tickets at 9PM. The duration of film is about 2 and half hours. We arrived at the Plaza Indonesia about 7.00PM (we go from our place 6.00PM) we always run if we can, huahhahaa until arrive at the mall, so sweaty, yuck... hungry, feel not good because the air conditioner is really cool. I feel some needle attack my bone, so uncomfortable.
We have 2 hours before PC3 start, so we decide to walk around and we find a concert place in EX mall (Plaza Indonesia and EX are the same place, the just merge with bridge), there is a launching album of Indonesian singer, he is Ryan. His songs hmm can be heard, like Ello if you know him, he sang "Pergi untuk Kembali".
I met so many artist there, Indra bekti, Indonesian Idol (Judika and the other), presenter television (i forgot his and her name), Bertrand.. and the other again, i really forgot and don't know their name, just know their face, so sorry. I didn't take picture of them, i don't have a desire about that yesterday.
I met that artist and they stand in front of me maybe just half of meter :D hehehe, me and my friend just talk and laugh together, we don't care who they are. Finally my friend take picture of them without us and take a film from her handphone.
Finally we enter to the movie theather, before that, i met my old friend, happy me, met artist and friend.
We got 2nd row from the front of the screen so great huhh.... my eyes now so tired and my neck also. But when the war begin, fiuhhhhh i feel i saw in the near place from the ship, like i using a helicopter. Hhahaha...
The story is not enough good, but hm that's okay, i already have a plan to watch it. I like the action and i Like Jack Sparrow :D so Great!
Who doesn't watch it? Hhehehe just watch it!
Guys, i will break to write a blog for few days, i will go home, like i said in the other article of mine.
See you soon, Happy weekend Days!!!!!!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enak ya kalo di Jkt sering ketemu artis2 :)
PC 3 kayaknya wajib nonton nih ya.. Moga2 gw dapat tiketnya..

Friday, May 25, 2007 1:35:00 AM

Blogger cien cien said...

yoi.. hihihi :D
ke jakarta dunk.. tapi enakan hidup di kota sendiri nyaman, tentram :D
jakarta ribet..
pasti dapet lah tiketnya :D

Friday, May 25, 2007 2:02:00 AM

Blogger Willy Sudiarto Raharjo said...

aku hari ini ke Amplas gak dapet tiketnya :(
semoga besok dapat :D

Saturday, May 26, 2007 8:49:00 AM

Blogger Antony Pranata said...

Aku udah nonton, tapi kok gak ngerti apa2 yah. Blank gitu. Jalan ceritanya mbulet gak karuan. Keluar bioskop, cuman mumet malah. Mana 3 jam lagi filmnya. Lengkap deh penderitaan...

Monday, June 04, 2007 1:23:00 PM


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