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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Opinion about School in Indonesia

There are so many school in the world, each state, country has different way about curriculum. This topic always make me feel funny and think like not-useful.
If you ever learn in Indonesia, you will know why i can wrote this article.
Since elementary school we have subject that we still don't know is it right or not, like history.
The other things is like ethics subject, i got it also when I learned in university (bachelor), i have to take it so many subject that almost same topic (about ethics) , i think this subject waste our time to take it. Because i have to take it more than 15 credits (if I'm not false), i knew that we have to learn it, but in the exact environment, it always different and we can learn directly from that environment.
I really don't know with this country, why they always give us this subject? And we have to took it, and it became requisite to pass the school/university?
And why the other person in the government can't did it like we got from school?
Should we erase it? (i say like this because we can get this subject from our house, from our parents, isn't it?)
Our parents always taught us become good person, right?
How about your opinion about that kind of subjects?



Blogger dsentanu said...

I have 3 words to say for things like this:

"Welcome to Indonesia"

You know, I love this country. Every day I wanted to go home when I was in South Korea. I missed the beauty, the cuisines, the people, the government, the disasters, the lumpur panas, the ill-fated education system, everything.

Indonesia. Love it. Proud of it. =P~

Monday, May 14, 2007 6:09:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

:D it's the package as a whole that makes it interisting, right?

Serious mode ON:
Hmmm... your argument actually applicable to all school subjects, anywhere in the world: maths, physics, religion, politics, law, sociology, sports, etc etc.

The question is:

- Why some subjects are included, and some not? Why maths, physics, moral studies (and other academical-oriented units) are included as compulsory units but not home economics (cooking, etc), plumbing, carpentry or even parenting?? I mean, they are more practical and essential to life than all the other subjects!!

- The next question is of course how much. Why do we need to learn so much on a particular subject (from your argument, history) when we do not choose to be an expert in these issues????

Yes, I do agree children need exposure to all these subjects for reasons: basic survival, and some knowledge for them to choose what to specialise in their future (therefore, my argument with first point),

BUT I believe the Department of Education (in many countries) has put unfair emphasis on several subjects (i.e. academia subjects only, but not life practical subjects)

Monday, May 14, 2007 7:04:00 PM

Blogger cien cien said...

Rusdy, i think home economics, i got it also in the elementary school and junior high school (cooking, sewing clothes,etc). If you want school that teach home economics there are college/academy that offer it.
Yeah this is school...
But beside that, i like indonesian school, hahha, i can sleep or runaway from the class just going to the small canteen or going to restroom just for fun with friends. :P

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 2:04:00 AM

Blogger dsentanu said...

I think in school we need more "PKK" (what it stands for? I forgot. Sorry.) subjects. I mean, sewing some buttons to clothes is sometimes urgently needed in my life. Nod to cooking and preparing meals as well (nowadays, I often cook by myself, ahem, and I really thankful for those good ol' elementary school days of useful and wise knowledge).

I believe those highly theorytical subjects, such as calculus, discrete mathematics, over-the-top physics and chemistry lessons (the Natrium diethyldithiocarbamate things, or what on earth it is called. Well, you got the point) are not so useful in life. Particularly the life of people who are not in that expertise area.

Thats why we have colleges, institutes, universities, etc. So that the ones who really eager to learn such things can learn such things in a very detailed manner. Not on schools, however.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 11:03:00 AM

Blogger cien cien said...

Oh ya in Indonesia we have vocational/trade school ("sekolah kejuruan") they give some different subject that different with usual school. But this school same grade with senior high school so they have to finish junior high school 1st.

Monday, May 21, 2007 1:53:00 AM


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